Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia (LLM), mission to ensure that indrastuctural development is planned,implemented and maintained effectively and efficeintly with highest quality,To develop expand and stabilise the nation's construction and competitive professional servoces in the global market ,To ensure the development of capacity and capanbility of the local cantractors,professionals and work force in contruction sectors are implemented accordance with the national policy, Application are invited from qualified Malaysian citizens to fill the following positions in the Malaysia Higway Authority:-
1. Penolong Pegawai Tadbir (N32)
2. Penolong Jurutera (J29)
3. Penolong Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat (F29)
4. Pelukis Pelan (J17)
5.Pemandu Kenderaan (R3)
Closing Date : 11 April 2012