Lembaga Kemajuan Johor Tenggara (KEJORA) is one of the statutory body under the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development (KKLW) , Wich act as agent for the southeast Region Pembangunan Johor ,Regional distibutions covers 16% of the total area of the state of johor with 300. 111 hectares .it is divided into two small regions of the middle johor (149.009 Hectares) and Pengerang (151.356 hectares) ,Located in two districts of Kota Tinggi (75 %) and Centre (25 %).Malaysian citizens who are not less than 18 years at the date of the advertisement are invited to apply for positions as below:
1. Pembantu Tadbir ( Perkeranian /Operasi ) 5 kekosongan
Closing Date: 12 April 2012