Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUK) is an academic medical center that has been created by the merger of the Falculty of Medical and teaching Hospital ,Hospital UKM. The merger will unite great learning and research capabilities by the hospital staff .This innobative steps to change this institution to make it one of the leading academic medical centers.
1. Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat (F41)
2. Pegawai Pergigian (U41)
3. Pegawai Pemulihan Perubatan (U41)
4. Pegawai Sains (C41)
5. Pegawai Kewangan (W41)
6. Penolong Pegawai Perubatan (U41)
7. Pustakawan (S41)
8, Pembantu Setiausaha /Setiausaha Pejabat (N27)
9. Jururawat (U29)
10 Jururawat Pegigian (U29)
11. Jurupilih Perubatan (Anggota) (U29)
12. Juruteknologi Pergigian (U29)
13.Juru X-Ray (U29)
14.Juruteknologi Makmal Perbatan (U29)
15. Penolong Akauntan (W27)
16. Juruteknik (J17)
17. Pekerja Awam (R1)
18. Atenden Kesihatan (U3)
Closing Date: 11 April 2012